• Strategy + Planning

    We leverage data and facilitate dialogue to uncover strategic challenges and opportunities, build alignment, and co-create group decisions that position organizations for more equitable and impactful results. 

  • Team Effectiveness + Culture Change

    We explore individual and collective values, strengths, work styles, to deepen equity, trust, collaboration, effectiveness and impact. Bonus: We are especially skilled in using the StrengthsFinder and the Social Styles model!

  • Equity Transformation

    We facilitate learning, dialogue, and leadership development to nurture a culture of intersectional racial equity; and (re)design systems and structures to operationalize equity and shift practices across all organizational functions. Entry points and focus areas for this challenging but transformative body of work are detailed below.  


We coach and consult on a range of strategies to start, reboot, and meaningfully shift organizational culture, structures and practices toward equity. We highly recommend starting with a customizable workshop or dialogue on one of the following focus areas to normalize brave conversations and build foundational analysis and skills, followed by implementation coaching to ensure accountability.

  • Starting an Equity Transformation Journey in Your Organization: This initiative involves multiple sessions with elements of a facilitated dialogue, capacity-building, and structured stakeholder engagement, to launch an organizational process that advances intersectional racial equity.  

  • Fix Systems, Not Symptoms: Designing Structural Changes to Build Accountability for Equity: Organizational equity action plans are often stalled not by a lack of clarity about what’s needed but by an inability to interrupt “business as usual” in order to create different, more equitable outcomes. This workshop offers a foundation for adopting a systemic and accountable approach to equity transformation. 

  • Beyond Diversity: Building Intersectional Race Equity in Hiring Systems: Organizations often begin their equity journeys with enhanced hiring, yet struggle to transcend mere diversity in the process. This workshop engages with tools and practices to build systems of accountability throughout the hiring lifecycle that translate intent to action, and to transform hiring authentically without tokenizing historically marginalized candidates and staff. 

  • Performance Management Strategies with an Equity Lens: Many organizations engage in formal evaluations, progressive discipline, and promotions, as well as setting clear performance expectations and goals, and providing ongoing feedback and coaching. This workshop engages with tools and practices to interrupt prevalent, even if unintentional, bias, especially anti-Black racism, and to integrate equity considerations meaningfully, through the performance management process. 

  • Beyond Oversight: Shifting Board Governance Practices toward Equity: As Boards endorse, join, or lead organizations in equity transformation processes, it is imperative they not only hold the organization they govern accountable, but also embed equity considerations in their day-to-day decisions and practices. This workshop engages areas of Board responsibility for equity transformation, and with tools that evoke and ensure explicit consideration of equity impacts in Board decision-making.

  • Embedding Equity in Leadership, Management, and Supervision: This series explores how people managers can exercise core leadership competencies including cascading organizational equity priorities; creating inclusive, equitable and accountable team cultures where all staff can thrive; and addressing systemic barriers that impede pathways for historically marginalized staff.